4 Low Hanging Fruits

Did you know that some of the most common fruits are just what you need for your pregnancy diet?

Low Hanging Fruits

What to eat when pregnant? No need to look far. 4 of the best foods for you and your baby are probably already in your kitchen. So just reach out, and grab some of those low hanging fruits… 

Apples for Pregnant Women: Vitamin C and much more

Remember when your mother told you that an apple a day keeps the doctor away? She was more than right. That’s because having apples in your pregnancy diet will take care of you, and your baby!

Recent studies found that the children of women who regularly had apples while pregnant were at lower risk to develop asthma and other breathing problems. In addition, apples are packed with many minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin C – one of the most important nutritional ingredients you need in your pregnancy diet. That’s because vitamin C helps iron to absorb your body, and is needed for the proper development of numerous organs and systems of the baby.

One medium sized apple contains about 9mg of vitamin C (compared to the recommended daily intake of 85mg). 

Bananas in your Pregnancy Diet: No More Leg Cramps?

Two of the most common problems pregnant women experiences are morning sickness and leg cramps. You’ll be happy to hear that one of the most effective remedies for both problems is probably at the nearest fruit bowl. We’re talking about bananas of course!

Bananas are rich with vitamins B6, which helps in relieving morning sickness. It also has plenty of additional vitamins from the B group.

Bananas are also packed with magnesium, the mineral which many women find as helpful for easing and even preventing pregnancy leg cramps. You and your baby need magnesium for many more reasons, such as building the baby’s muscles and preventing premature labor.

A medium sized banana contains about 10% of the recommended daily intake of magnesium, which is 350-400mg. 

Watermelon for Pregnancy Heartburn

Do you experience heartburn while pregnant? You’re not alone, it seems that 70-80% of all pregnant women experience it as well. On most cases it’s not recommended to have antacid drugs while pregnant. What you can do is to have some watermelon, or fresh watermelon juice, which many pregnant women find as a natural remedy for heartburn.

In addition, watermelon has high amounts of vitamins A, B6, C, potassium and many other important nutritional ingredients you and your baby need. More than that, since most of the watermelon is water, having it will keep you hydrated, especially in the warm summer days.

Pears for your Baby

Another common problem many pregnant women experience is constipation. Having some pears in your pregnancy diet can help overcome this problem. A medium sized pear contains about 4-5 grams of fiber, compared to the recommended daily intake of 25-30 grams. This means that one pear a day can help solving a very uncomfortable digestion problem.

In addition, pears contain high amounts of vitamin C, as well as folic acids, which are extremely important for the proper development of your baby’s brain.

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