Got the Pregnancy Cravings?

Many pregnant women experience unusual cravings throughout their pregnancy. Why is it happening? Is it really what the baby wants, as they say? And how will it affect your pregnancy diet?

Pregnancy Cravings

Pregnancy cravings turned into an on-going legend. It can turn strict vegetarians into enthusiastic carnivores. It can create the desire and for some unusual food combinations, such as pickles with chocolate or pastrami with ice cream. It even made some women to eat indigestible objects, such as charcoal, tooth paste or cigarette ashes…! It’s time to find out what those cravings are and why are they happening.

Hormones Attack: Pregnancy Hormonal Changes and the Cravings

“The truth is that nobody really knows for certain why pregnant women experience cravings,” says H. Liyan, R.D., “But there are a couple of leading theories.”

The first theory which explains pregnant women’s cravings is based on the hormonal changes that occur in pregnant women’s bodies. Liyan explains: “A pregnant woman’s body is overflowed with estrogen, progesterone, and other pregnancy-related hormones. Amongst the many things those hormones do is to change the ‘wiring’ of the nerves which controls our reactions to tastes and smells.”

In other words, the hormonal changes which occur in a pregnant woman’s body literally change her culinary preferences! It can make her enjoy things she didn’t like before the pregnancy, and vice versa. If this theory is correct, no wonder so many pregnant women start to enjoy pickled herrings at some point on their pregnancy…!

So… Is It Really Your Baby Speaking?

But still, it seems that hormonal changes cannot answer some of the questions regarding pregnancy cravings. For example, why does every woman have different cravings? Why are there some things that constantly repeat with many women? And the most frequently asked question of them all, are the cravings actually the baby telling the mother what he wants…?

The second main theory which clarifies pregnancy cravings answers those questions. However, it might disappoint some women, since it seems that the cravings aren’t really the baby speaking. Still, something else is speaking, and it is the pregnant mother’s body.

Liyan explains: “According to the second theory, every craving has a reason which relates to the needs of the pregnant woman’s body and nutrition. For example, if a pregnant woman craves pickles it might indicate her body needs some salt. If straight after having the pickles, or even while having them, she suddenly craves chocolate it might suggest that her body needs magnesium or vitamins of the B family.”

In a similar manner, cravings for beef might indicate a need for protein or iron, citrus might hint on a need for vitamin C, cravings for dairy products might suggest a need for calcium and a craving for liquid foods might actually mean a need for water.

This theory also explains why many pregnant women will avoid foods they liked before the pregnancy such as the desire for sweet and sugary foods.

The reason for such changes as food aversion might be related to some sort of an ancient survival mechanism which kicks in when a woman becomes pregnant – the pregnant woman’s body will make her avoid any food which might risk the baby’s proper development. Some foods might include unhealthy or un-nourishing ingredients, which contain certain kinds of poisons that can hurt the baby’s health and development. Interestingly enough, this mechanism might actually make a pregnant woman nauseated after tasting, smelling or even thinking of such foods!

Your Cravings and Your Diet while Pregnant

It seems only natural that your pregnancy cravings will somehow affect your diet while pregnant. So how should you handle them? Go with them? Or resist them?

Once again, Liyan clarifies: “Whatever it is that causes them, pregnancy cravings are real and happen for a reason. Still, it is important not to lose your common sense while experiencing cravings that affect your pregnancy diet. It’s ok to fulfill your cravings as long as it is done in good balance. Still, don’t exaggerate with foods that are not beneficial for you, and make sure that you always include in your diet while pregnant foods that will provide you with iron (meat, tahini, almonds, legumes) vitamins (fruits, vegetables), folic acid (citrus, green vegetables, legumes), calcium (dairy, beans, almonds, lettuce, cauliflower) and other nourishing ingredients.”

In addition to all that, make sure that you notify your physician and/or dietitian about your cravings and ask for their advice based on your acquaintance on your next visit to them.

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