Chronic Headache While Pregnant: Why Does It Happen, and What Can You Do?

Embarking on the extraordinary journey of pregnancy brings immense joy, anticipation, and sometimes unexpected challenges. Chronic headaches during this period can be distressing, but understanding the reasons behind them and adopting effective coping strategies is key to managing this aspect of maternal well-being. Why Chronic Headaches Occur During Pregnancy: The roller coaster of hormonal changes […]

Mindful Pregnancy: 4 Relaxing Guided Meditations for Pregnant Women

Embarking on the beautiful journey of motherhood? Dive into the serenity of mindful pregnancy with these four soothing guided meditations tailored just for you. Research suggests that babies respond to sounds in the womb, making meditation a delightful bonding experience. Immerse yourself in tranquility with our specially curated YouTube playlist for pregnant women. From calming […]

Staying in Love while Expecting…

For couples, being pregnant can be a happy and exciting moment, but it can also present a variety of challenges. While the physical changes a pregnant person goes through are frequently the center of attention, it’s vital to keep in mind that pregnancy can also have an impact on the couple’s relationship and emotional health. […]

Pregnant and under Quarantine? These Hilarious Pregnancy Facts will Make you LAUGH!

Nowadays there are millions of pregnant women under quarantine and social distancing. In challenging times like these, the most important thing is to keep our spirits high, and laugh as much as we can. This is why we recommend pregnant women under quarantine to watch this hilarious 7 minutes-long video! In it you will find […]

Coronavirus (COVID-19) while pregnant: Watch this Video to get the Answers

In the past few months, the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected millions of people around the world, many of them are pregnant women. Pregnancy is challenging as it is. Being pregnant in Coronavirus days? Even more challenging! Many questions come to mind – what to do if you got infected in COVID-19 while pregnant? […]

So.. Do You Sleep Better while Pregnant..?

Some time ago we posted an article about sleeping tips for pregnant women. A reminder can’t be bad, right? So here’s a nice brief video of how to keep up good and comfortable while you’re carrying your little one inside you 🙂 Sleep well!

Can you Dance while Pregnant? Yes you CAN!

Many pregnant women ask us ‘can I dance while pregnant?’ The short answer is yes! You can dance while pregnant (just ask your doctor first, and be extra-careful during 3rd trimester). The long answer to ‘can I dance while pregnant’ is even better – just watch this short video of 21 pregnant women doing a […]

Things You’ll Learn Once you’re a New Mother

Becoming a new mother requires you to learn so many new things – how to clean you baby, how to make them food, how to sleep 3 hours per night and somehow still function… But being a new mother is also a personal journey, one which takes a woman to a new path of learning. […]

Weird Parenting Advice New Parents Get

Becoming a new parent requires lots of new knowledge. This is why new parents tend to seek advice with other parents. Thing is, it’s not always the best advice around, as you can see in this video. So WATCH it go get a good laugh – but we can’t really recommend any of the advice […]

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