MUST WATCH: 10 Amazing Pregnancy Facts!

How will your heart change during pregnancy? How does the extra estrogen affects your body? How long was the longest recorded human pregnancy? Watch this sweet 1.5 minute animation to find out all these answers and other cool pregnancy fact!

Pregnancy Hacks: How to Prevent Stretch Marks

Pregnancy stretch marks is one thing that concerns many pregnant women. Lucky enough, there are some ways to prevent these unaesthetic marks, or at least minimize their appearance. Just watch this short pregnancy hack video and start doing it yourself.  

Super Dad Compilation: When Dad’s Reflexes Saved the Day

Super dad

The first superhero in every kid’s life is his daddy, and in good cause! Just watch this cool compilation to see all the times dad’s super-reflexes saved the day. Without a protecting, loving, present father, many of these incidents could have been fatal. Lucky SUPER DAD was there!

Best Pregnancy Memes of January 2018

2018 is here! We’ll use the new year as an excuse to bring you some of the funniest, most accurate pregnancy memes. So have a couple of minutes of laughter, from memes you can totally relate to…



Is it ok to eat cabbage while pregnant? And how about cauliflower, broccoli and kale? Find the answer here.

The Power of Garlic


Garlic has so many benefits, that it might be referred to as a “super – veggie”, but is it advisable to consume while pregnant?..

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