4 Low Hanging Fruits

Low Hanging Fruits

Did you know that some of the most common fruits are just what you need for your pregnancy diet? What to eat when pregnant? No need to look far. 4 of the best foods for you and your baby are probably already in your kitchen. So just reach out, and grab some of those low […]

Healthy Snacks for Pregnant Women

Snacks during pregnancy

You don’t have to stop snacking just because you are pregnant. You just have to find the right snacks… Let’s face it – almost no one can actually go through a whole day without snacking here and there, let alone a pregnant woman…! Therefore, when the much attacks, the best thing to do is not […]

Calcium: A Pregnant Woman’s New Best Friend

Calcium for pregnant women

It helps your baby grow strong bones and keeps you healthy & energetic. Where can you find calcium while pregnant? Calcium is one of the most important nutritional ingredients for pregnant women. The baby needs it for the development of the bones, teeth, heart, muscles, nervous system, and more. If the mother won’t have enough […]

Your Baby needs it: Omega 3

Your Baby needs Omega 3

Tests showed that six months old babies with better attention span were the ones of mothers who had higher levels of omega-3 at the time of delivery. Omega-3 is a fatty acid, essential for the development of the baby’s brain. It’s also known as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Babies who have a diet rich in omega […]

Chocolate during Pregnancy

Chocolate while Pregnant

Good news: new study discovers that chocolate might help reducing the risk for pre-eclampsia. A study conducted by Yale University tried to find the effects of chocolate on pregnant women’s health, and especially its relation with pre-eclampsia. The research surveyed the chocolate consuming habits of 1,681 pregnant women, who had 1-5 serves of chocolate per […]

Penelope Cruz’s Pregnancy Diet

Penelope Cruz Pregnancy Diet

One of Hollywood’s most interesting couple, Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem, is expecting. How healthy is Penelope’s pregnancy diet? On past interviews Academy Award winner Penelope Cruz, 38, has stated that motherhood is a “revolutionary experience” which “transforms you completely, in a second”. She also mentioned that she wishes to provide her first born Leo […]

Breakfast for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy Breakfast

Would you like to be energetic and vigorous throughout the entire day? And do you want to give your baby a great deal of important nutritional ingredients? It all begins with a good breakfast! Almost every nutrition expert agrees with the saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And as you […]

18 Pregnancy Fun Facts

Here are some less-known yet interesting pregnancy facts: The average woman’s uterus expands up to five times its normal size. Tall women are more likely to conceive twins. 22% of twins are born left-handed Amniotic fluid is primarily sterile urine A fetus will start moving after about 8 weeks of pregnancy. The baby’s lungs are […]

Organic Food while Pregnant

Organic Food

By now it’s common knowledge that organic food is healthier than non-organic. When it comes to pregnancy diet, the benefit is even greater… I know there’s a lot of advice to be given to women that are pregnant and I’m sure you’re probably confused about what is right and what isn’t. This article isn’t to […]

A Mother’s Body Knows

Listen to Your Body

We often ask everyone around us what to eat when pregnant, but we often forget to ask ourselves. Isn’t it time to begin? Sometimes, in the midst of the confusion surrounding the diet while pregnant issue, we find ourselves overflowed with information which came from different sources – friends, books, websites, etc. It sure does […]

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