6 Reasons why you should Stay Active

Staying Active While Pregnant

You’ve probably thought to yourself on several occasions, wondering why you should even bother exercising while pregnant. I mean, you’re only going to gain weight and your hormones are going to be all over the place anyway. Am I right? Of course I am. So I’ve decided to list some perfect reasons why you should […]

Sprouts while Pregnant: Yes or No?

Sprouts While Pregnant

They are rich with vitamins, minerals and other nutritional ingredients. So how come most experts recommend avoiding sprouts while pregnant? The sprouts we eat are the stems of seeds and grains which started sprouting. The most popular and available ones are sprouts of mung beans, alfalfa, lentils, peas, sunflower and other legumes or cereals. Why […]

Lentils Bolognese

Lentils Pasta

Did you know that lentils are great for your pregnancy diet? Here’s a creative, delicious way to use them… I love Bolognese! It’s has rich texture, it’s an amazing mixture of tastes, and in the hands of the right chef it could be a real gourmet dish. To help my vegetarian and vegan clients experience […]

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