Figs in your Pregnancy Diet

Figs in your Pregnancy Diet

Fresh or dried, in a dish or as a snack, it doesn’t matter – figs are good for your pregnancy nutrition! Here are three reasons why… 

1. Pregnancy Digestion Problems and Heartburn

Constipation, hemorrhoids, heartburn… every pregnant woman is well familiar with these terms. 3-4 Figs per day will help you successfully face them…

Fiber is one of the most important nutritional ingredients needed for healthy digestion while pregnant. The recommended daily amount of fiber for pregnant women is 25-30 grams. Four medium sized figs (50 grams each) contain about 6 grams of fiber, and might do wonders for your digestion while pregnant!

Note that figs have laxative effect on some people. This quality can be beneficial if you are constipated, and sometimes it even helps treating hemorrhoids. Nonetheless, if figs have such effect on you, consume them moderately.

One more tip: fresh figs are considered as a natural remedy for heartburn, which is another common problem pregnant women often experience. Give it a try next time you experience heartburn, and see if it helps.


2. Good for your Hair, Nails, Bones… and Baby

Many pregnant women experience hair loss, broken nails and weak bones. The main reason for these symptoms is low level of calcium. Worse than that, low levels of calcium damage the baby’s proper development, especially the bones, teeth, heart and muscles.

A pregnant woman should have about 1,000 mg of calcium per day. An average fig has about 20 mg. This means that 3-4 figs per day is a great boost of calcium, consumed within seconds as a snack.


3. Curb your Cravings

Virtually every pregnant woman is dealing with pregnancy cravings… that urge to snack on things which are obviously bad for you and your baby, even when you’re not really hungry, and while knowing for certain the unhealthy treats you eat now will make you feel bad later …

Surprisingly enough, figs can help you control your pregnancy cravings. Figs are highly alkalizing, and according to various studies, foods with such qualities often help curbing cravings, keeping you relaxed and sated. This means that whenever you feel the urge to snack on something unhealthy, try having a fig or two instead…


Did you know…?

Some more interesting facts on figs:

  • In addition to all the above, figs are simply good for your pregnancy diet: they are packed with important mineral (potassium, iron and more), fatty acids and vitamins, and have low levels of fat and cholesterol.
  • The ancient Greeks believed that figs boost male potency. That is why they encouraged athletes to have them before competitions.
  • According to Jewish tradition, at the Garden of Eden, once realizing they were naked, Adam and Eve covered themselves with fig tree leaves.
  • For thousands of years, many traditional medicine experts from around the world used figs to treat various illnesses: breathing and gums problems, eye infections, warts, and more.
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