Now that you’re pregnant, should you cut down on salt?
Although in recent years salt got a bit of a bad reputation, the truth is that our bodies need it. To be more accurate, our body needs sodium – a mineral which is the main ingredient (40%) of salt. Sodium is nothing less but essential for us. It takes part in many important functions which happen in our bodies. To name just a few:
- Sodium allows fluids flow inside the body
- It regulates the blood pressure
- It is an important ingredient in the nervous system
- It is needed for the proper functioning of the muscles
Sodium is especially important during pregnancy.
Amongst its many important functions, it is needed for the regulation of the pregnant mother’s increased body-fluids and the baby’s proper development (especially the kidneys). In fact, too much, or too little sodium while pregnant may cause some pregnancy complications, such as preterm labor.
How much Salt should A Pregnant Woman Have?
Up until recently pregnant women were advised to cut down on their daily intake of salt and salty foods. However, these days the sodium’s part in a healthy pregnancy is much clearer. Therefore, most experts believe that healthy pregnant women should not change much of their daily intake of salt:
The American Heart Association recommends most adults should have up to 2,000mg of sodium per day. The recommended daily intake for pregnant woman is about 2,400mg.
*note: one teaspoon of salt contains about 2,000mg of sodium.
Salty Business: Should you Change your Pregnancy Diet?
Most healthy pregnant women will get the proper amount of sodium without making any changes in their pregnancy diet. However, it is very important to consult with a doctor and a professional pregnancy nutrition expert. They will perform blood and blood pressure tests and will be able to recommend any changes you need to make in your daily salt intake.